Vision & District Goals
Vision and Schoolwide Learner Outcomes (S.L.O.)
ALL Students
All Content Areas
Pre-K – Grade 12
2016- 2017
1. Continuum of Cognitive Rigor – Depth of Knowledge
- Instruction and assessment at all Depth of Knowledge levels
- Students engage in cross-curricular learning activities and integrated performance tasks that embed the 3 R’s:
Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships
2. Literacy in All Content Areas
- Reading and writing strategies taught in all content areas
- Appropriately complex and rigorous reading material in all classes
- Students respond to questions, citing evidence from text
- Students write argumentative and informative essays, citing evidence from text and additional resources
3. Mathematics for Conceptual Understanding and Procedural Fluency
- Essential Learning Standards
- Explicit connection to the 8 Math Practice Standards
- Students engage in performance tasks and assessments to demonstrate a progression of mathematical skills & reasoning
4. Instructional Lesson Design reflects the 4 C’s:
Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, & Creativity
- Collaborative Structures
- Layers of Facilitation
- Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR)
- Next Generation Learning
- Essential Understanding and Questions
5. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
- Equity and Access
- Behavioral and Academic RtI
- Onboarding
- Restorative Practices
6. Career Technical Education Pathways (CTE)
- College and Career Readiness (CCR) exploration and preparation
- Instruction emphasizes 21st Century workplace skills:
7 Survival Skills: Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Adaptability, Entrepreneurship, Communication, Accessing Information, Creativity
7. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math (STEAM)
- Integration of STEAM in Math/Science instruction to prepare students for college and career success in STEAM fields