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Accountability (SSC & SARC)

Accreditation and Accountability Report Card



La Puente High School is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Our next accreditation visit will take place during April 2024.

Use this link to read or download the 2015 Self-Study report.

School Accountability Report Card

California public schools annually provide information about themselves to the community allowing the public to evaluate and compare schools for student achievement, environment, resources, and demographics. The link below will direct you to dynamic reports maintained by Axiom Advisors, who update the reports as the data is released by the state.

La Puente High School's School Accountability Report Card on

School Site Council


The SSC develops the content of the SPSA (EC Section 64001[g][1]). The SPSA, including proposed expenditure of funds allocated to the school through the ConApp and the LCAP, if any, must be reviewed and updated annually by the SSC (EC Section 64001[i]). This includes at a minimum, the SSC must:

  • Develop and approve the SPSA, including the proposed expenditures of funds. The SPSA must align with the needs identified through the school’s comprehensive needs assessment and the goals identified by the SSC and must adhere to all applicable state and federal laws and regulations. The SPSA must include funds based on projected allocations from federal funds, and may also include other state or local funds allocated to the school to support student achievement. Proposed expenditures include planned spending and costs needed to implement the strategies/services in the SPSA.
  • Recommend the SPSA, including proposed expenditures of funds, to the LEA’s local governing board or body for approval.
  • Provide ongoing review throughout the school year of the implementation of the strategies/services in the SPSA to ensure the plan is being carried out to address the needs of the school and its students.
  • Make modifications to the SPSA, if a need arises. The SSC will submit the modified SPSA to the local governing board/body for approval whenever a material change (as defined in local governing board policy) is made to planned activities or related expenditures.
  • Annually evaluate the progress made toward the school’s goals to increase the academic achievement of all students. This includes reviewing and analyzing established metrics, baseline data, and desired outcomes in the SPSA to ensure continuous improvement of students in the schoolwide program.
  • Perform all other duties assigned to the SSC by the local governing board or body of the LEA and by state law. As each school has their own unique needs and student populations, the SSC must ensure this is considered within their duties and responsibilities.

The SPSA must be reviewed and approved by the governing board or body of the LEA at a regularly scheduled meeting whenever there are material changes that affect the academic programs for student. (EC Section 64001[i]). If the SPSA is not approved by the governing board or body of the LEA, specific reasons must be communicated to the SSC (EC Section 64001[i]).

Within the ConApp, the LEA must ensure the SPSA meets the requirements, and that the SSC has developed and approved the SPSA for each school participating in programs funded through the ConApp. It is also required that SPSAs were developed with the review, certification, and advice of the school English learner advisory committee (ELAC), if required (EC Section 64001[c]).

For more information on the SPSA template and instructions, please visit the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) web page.

The contact for the SSC at La Puente High School is Mr. Christopher Valin.

School Site Council Meetings for the 24-25 school year:
School Site Council (SSC):

October 15, 2024
January 28, 2025
March 18, 2025
April 15, 2025
April 22, 2025

First page of the PDF file: 2SSCEngSpanAgendaLPHS

School Site Council Bylaws

Article I – Principles, Outcome and Scope

Section 1 Guiding Principles for School Site Council (SSC)

·        Comply with State law for School Site councils (SSC)

·        Focus on increased student achievement

o   To that end, all decisions regarding the adoption or implementation of programs for the purpose of increasing student achievement must be data driven.

·        Ensure implementation of standards-based Instruction and data driven decision-making.

o   Decisions pertaining to school resources will be based on student achievement and in line with state standards.

·        Increase educational partner involvement

·        Increase all educational partners’ morale

Section 2 Desired Outcomes

Improved student achievement results from:

·        A common direction where goals are clear, action plans implemented and results are measured, evaluated, and revised

·        A collaborative partnership between students, parents, certificated and classified personnel, administrators, Board of Education, and community across all levels as appropriate

·        Consistent, clear, honest and timely communication among all educational partners.

·        Satisfaction by educational partners that the process was implemented and there were opportunities for participation in the decisions

·        Building leadership capacity in all educational partner groups at the site

·        Ownership among all educational partner groups for decisions made and achieved results

·        Flexibility and streamlining of policies and procedures

Section 3 Scope Areas

All scope area decisions must be within federal, state, and district, guidelines as well as all collective bargaining agreements.

Education Code Responsibilities

The La Puente High School SSC is charged with developing the school plan and site categorical/renewal budget as well as overseeing the implementation of the plan and the evaluation of the instructional program.  All members at large will participate in this process.


·       Develop, approve, implement, monitor, and review school plan annually

·       Approve allocation and expenditure of school plan budgetary funds

·       School wide discipline/attendance plan

·       School site professional development


·       Safety Plan

·       Scheduling within the school day of activities

·       Allocation of additional funds for school (Grants and Budgets)

Article II – Membership

Section 1 Council Composition

A. Minimum composition will be:

Parity Group A:  School Personnel (Classroom teachers must be the majority of Group A)

·       4 Teachers

·       1 Classified

·       1 Principal

Parity Group B:  Parents and Students (or other community members elected by parents)

·       3 Students

·       3 Parents/Community Members

Alternates will be chosen for each elected group. Alternates are encouraged to attend meetings, but are not voting members and may not substitute for voting members, but will take over in the event that a regular member is unable to complete a term.

B. Expanded membership

The council can expand beyond these minimums but must do so proportionally to maintain legally mandated parity.

Section 2 Roles and Responsibilities

A. Chairperson

The chairperson will be responsible for:

  • Calendar all meetings for the year
  • Arrange for a meeting site for each meeting
  • Creating and publishing an agenda [a minimum of 72 hours in advance of the meeting]
  • Providing necessary informational materials
  • Conducting the meeting

B. Vice-Chairperson

The Vice-Chairperson shall:

·       Represent the chairperson in assigned duties

·       Substitute for the chairperson in his or her absence

C. Secretary

The secretary will be charged with recording the discussions, decisions, and miscellaneous details during the meetings.  To reproduce these notes into minutes of the meeting and then disseminated to all council members, the Area Administrator and Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, as well as all educational partners in La Puente High School.

D. Members at large

Members will represent their educational partner group.  All members will be responsible for gathering input from their educational partner group, reporting back to these educational partners, and representing them on the council. 

E. Additional Duties for members at large

At their first meeting, members may be asked to assume additional responsibilities as needed or appropriate (i.e. a member may assume the role of School Plan Parliamentarian.  This person would refer to the plan as needed to ensure that all decisions support the goals of the school plan.)

Section 3 Terms, Elections and Vacancies

A. Terms for elected members

  • Students:         1 year
  • Parents:           2 years
  • Teachers:        2 years
  • Classified:      2 years

B. Elections:

All representatives must be nominated by their peers and then the nominees permitted the opportunity to accept, or decline their nominations. 

Ballots are published with all candidates listed in a random ranking for each of the educational partner groups.  Instructions will be printed on the ballots, directing voters to vote for one candidate to fill the open seats on the SSC, and to turn their ballots into a current representative of the SSC who is not running for office, by the end of the day. 

Ballots for the certificate and classified educational partner groups are to be tallied with a HLPTA, or CSEA/SEIU representative present.  The results of the election will be announced the following day via email and on the respective union bulletin boards. 

Parent elections for SSC will be conducted at their earliest convenience in the fall of each year.

Student elections for SSC will be conducted at the same time as the ASB elections.

Staff elections for SSC will be conducted during the month of April or May.

All elected candidates may also serve on other elected posts.

C. Members

Students:        1 year term, and may serve consecutive terms

May also serve on other elected posts

The 2nd and or 3rd highest vote getters will serve as alternates for one year

NOTE – It is the intent of these by-laws that one senior, one junior, and one sophomore serve in these positions, however, it is not a requirement that they be from these class levels.

Teachers:       2 year terms, and may serve consecutive terms

The top vote recipients will serve a two-year term, while the next two highest vote getters will serve as alternates for a term of one year.

Elections will be held annually for two teacher positions on the committee so that there is an ongoing overlap of experience on the committee.

Parents:         2 year terms, and may serve consecutive terms

The top vote getters will serve a two-year term, while the next two highest vote getters will serve as alternates for a term of one year. 

Classified:      2 year terms, and may serve consecutive terms

The top one vote getter will serve a two-year term, while the next two highest vote getters will serve as alternates for a term of one year.  Elections will be held annually for one classified position on the committee, so that there is an ongoing overlap of experience on the committee.

Principal:       Must serve on the SSC

Vacancies:      Alternates from each of the respective educational partner groups will fill all vacancies.

Article III - Organizational Matters and Meetings

A.   Meetings

The La Puente High School SSC will meet a minimum of 6 times on mutually agreed upon days or more frequently as school business requires.  All meeting agendas will be posted 72 hours prior to the meeting in an area where all educational partners have access to them. 

B.   Agenda

All agendas will include:

·       Introduction of any visitors and/or new members

·       Period of Public Comment

·       Acceptance of the agenda and review of the code of conduct

·       Review of previous meeting’s minutes and action items

·       Reports from committees organized around the scope areas

·       Discussion and consensus of agenda items

·       New business/other

·       Reminder of next meeting date 

C. Absences

With regard to continued absences of an elected council member, an alternate may be asked by the committee to permanently serve in place of the elected council member.

D. Committees/Subcommittees

Occasionally from time to time, the council may appoint a committee/subcommittee to investigate a variety of concerns for the council.  Whenever this becomes necessary, the council will select one of its elected members to serve as facilitator on this appointed committee in order to facilitate adherence to the SSC guiding principles and its protocols and norms.  These committees/subcommittees whenever possible will be comprised of members of each educational partner subgroup.

E. Communications

A notice of meetings, agendas, and minutes will be made available to all educational partners, utilizing the district’s email services and school’s website as well as additional alternative forms of communication to inform all educational partners and to provide educational partners an opportunity for input to the council.

Moreover, council members will communicate with their constituents immediately following SSC meeting.

F. Decisions

Consensus shall be the means of making a decision.  For the purposes of shared decision making in the La Puente High School SSC, consensus is defined as 70% agreement.  Therefore, for any measure to be approved (passed) a combined quorum of seventy percent (70%) of elected council members must be reached. 

In the event that a decision must be made and no quorum exists, the principal may make the decision in the interest of the school plan.

All decisions shall be made in accordance with the dictates of legal agreements made by the school district and any state laws governing the area of discussion.

In keeping with our purpose, all decisions of the La Puente High School SSC must address student achievement and relate to one or more of the scope areas.

All La Puente High School SSC discussions are confidential.  Only the decision will be shared with the educational partners at large.

G. Translation

Pay extra duty hours to bilingual staff members who are not sitting on SSC

H. Operational Meeting Procedures

Robert’s Rules of Order

Implementation and Use of Norms

I. Amendments to these By-laws

Once the by-laws for the La Puente High School SSC have been approved and enacted by the present SSC and the District, these bylaws will stand as is, but may be amended according to the following:

·        The by-laws may be set aside for special procedural matters pursuant to consensus of the La Puente High School SSC

·        Changes in the by-laws may be proposed at general SSC meetings

·        Once a change in the by-laws has been proposed, it must be in writing to all members of the La Puente High School SSC prior to the next general SSC meeting.

·        A proposed by-law may be adopted by consensus of the SSC

Established September 1, 2004

Amended May 24, 2005

Amended June 6, 2006

Amended November 14, 2007

Corrected spelling in title April 16, 2008

Amended / Revised: November 15,2011

Amended/ Revised: February 11, 2013

Amended/ Revised: September 19, 2017

Amended/Revised: October 10, 2018

Amended/Revised: September 1, 2020

Amended/Revised: September 14, 2021

Shared Decision Making (SDM)


·       Shared decision making is a collaborative process designed to improve the learning environment and student achievement in an atmosphere of trust and respect.  The SDM process allows educational partners to draw upon their expertise and to support increased student achievement.

·       Educational partners are students, parents, certificated and, classified personnel, administrators, Board of Education (BOE), and community.  Parents are defined as the parent/guardian of a student at a school unless the parent/guardian is a paid employee of the school district at that site.  Community is defined as any person having an interest in the local school process and is elected by parents to take one of their slots.

·       A quorum is a simple majority of educational partners present. Specifically this means that there must be a total of seven  (7) members, including the principal and six elected council members from the community, certificated staff or classified staff from the elected council members present. The principal must be one of the members present in order to hold a meeting.

·       An agreement of the majority in sentiment or belief that has been reached by a group as a whole, wherein there is implied a condition of being in complete agreement or harmony with the opinion, position, or decision.  Achieving consensus requires serious treatment of every group member's considered opinion. Once a decision is made, it is important to trust in members' discretion in follow-up action.