Fine and Perfoming Arts
The Arts at La Puente High School
The Fine and Performing Arts Department consists of many components including: Art History, Choir, Dance, Drama, Instrumental Music, Speech, Visual Arts, and Vocal Music. The Arts at LPHS have developed into a signature department on the campus and the department has instructors who are experts within their various fields of study, guiding every aspect of the components listed. All educators have graduate degrees and continue to add to their prowess by continuing to accrue life-long learning experiences to enhance instruction for students. Recognition of the department faculty has the distinction to have taken place at the district, county, state, and national levels. The department also has the only Speech and Debate Team within the district and is the only school to offer university level courses during the school day for credit. Each component shares students with other departments and within the same department. The Arts naturally lead to the fulfillment of a small learning community by the nature of the subject matter and the commitment to excellence. The department advocates education access and equity. Furthermore, the department supports all other departments and academies by having an open enrollment policy. A unique opportunity exists within the art program; students are able to take Ceramics and Art History offered by California State University, Fullerton on the LPHS campus to earn university credits.