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Future Warriors

Welcome Future Warriors!

Aeries Login?

Click on the icon below to access the Aeries login screen.

Aeries Link


La Puente High School would be proud to guide you in your life journey for the next 4 years.  We are looking forward to the transition to high school!

If you attend one of our 4 feeder schools (Sparks MS, Lassalette MS, Sierra Vista MS, or Fairgrove MS) we are proud to let you know that you have been pre-enrolled at La Puente High School. 

Pre-enrolling new students for 2024-2025 school year is now open!

Click HERE  to pre-enroll your student for 2024-2025 or to enroll for 2023-2024 school year.

The step-by-step guide for Aeries online enrollment is accessible English / Spanish

For Intra District/Inter District requests, please visit Student and Family Services web page under the Open Enrollment section.


Registration Information

Use these resources to help you register for your 2021-2022 classes at La Puente High School.

8th grade orientation presentation

Aeries Course Request Entry Directions - LP.pdf

LPHS Middle School Registration handout.pdf (PDF)