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Work Preparation


Most jobs will require a work permit.  To be eligible for a permit, students must have positive attendance and a GPA of 2.0 or higher.  A work permit is specific to the place you are employed (employers must sign) so you will need to apply and have the job lined up before needing the permit request.  Please read the Work Permit Info sheet carefully and follow all directions.  

There are five steps in obtaining a work permit:

1. After you have interviewed, come to the Guidance Office to see Mrs. Priscilla Estrada for a Work Permit Application.

2. Student and parent must read and agree to the terms of the Work Permit Contract.

3. Fill out the student information at the top of the Work Permit Request, secure your parent/ legal guardian's signature required in the middle portion, and have your employer fill out the last section. 

4. Return completed Work Permit Request with your School ID and Social Security Card to Mrs. Estrada and allow 1-2 working days for the request to be processed; a completed Work Permit will be provided to you.

5. Provide the completed Work Permit to your employer. 

*Depending on your grades, your Work Permit may be revoked.  Grades are posted every 6 weeks.


Some Important Labor laws Relating to Minors

  • Every working minor must have a valid Work Permit.
  • All employers must provide Worker's Compensation Insurance even for relatives and/or children of the employer.
  • Minors may not drive a motor vehicle as part of their job duties.
  • Minors may not begin work before 5:00 a.m. or work after 10:00 p.m. on a day preceding a school day.
  • A minor may not work more than 8 hours per day under any circumstances.
  • Violators of Labor Laws are subjected to intervention by the Labor Commission and a possible heavy fine.